How to become the type of student that wins $30,000 in scholarships
Adam Griffiths - January 5th, 2022

Today, we breakdown what it takes to become the type of student that wins $30,000 in scholarships in your Grade 12 year.
Why would you want to win $30,000 by the way?
Well, $30,000 pretty much covers your tuition for four years. At that point, you’d only have to pay your living expenses.
It cuts the cost of your education roughly in half.
And since average student debt for students in Canada is $26,000, it puts you in a great position to beat the odds!
After working with thousands of students, we at GrantMe developed a clear image of what it takes to become the type of student that wins $30,000 in scholarships in your Grade 12 year:
- Plan ahead.
Top scholarship winners know which scholarships they’re going to apply to in Grade 12. Then, they build their resume in Grade 11 to win that scholarship. For example, scholarships look for initiator or leadership experience—meaning that a student starts or leads an initiative. So students in Grade 11 know that it’s not enough to just participate in extracurriculars, and they up their involvement to become an initiator or a leader in Grade 11.
- Be proactive.
These students complete their applications for post-secondary and top scholarships in Grade 11. Then they hone them with small tweaks closer to the submission date.
- Apply to scholarships strategically.
Top scholarship winners apply to 20-30 High Probability Scholarships. We’ve identified which scholarships students have the highest likelihood of winning, and those are called The Big 5 and the App 15. The Big 5 scholarships are internal awards through your school or through your affiliations that are not advertised to the public. The App 15 scholarships are the highest quality scholarships in our Scholarship Matching App. Students who win $30k+ don’t waste their time on low probability scholarships—they get 20-30 applications in on high probability scholarships.
- Be organized.
Those that become the type of student that wins $30,000 in scholarships manage their time on a regular basis using a calendar or list. They’ve already marked down when key scholarship and post-secondary deadlines are, they’ve already blocked off time to work on their applications, and they keep track of all their assignments. They know that if their life is organized, they can apply to scholarships on time. They know that if their life is a mess, they won’t even have the space to apply to scholarships. $30k+ students are organized with their time.
Now that you know exactly what it takes to win high ticket scholarships, it’s time to get started! If you want to become the type of student that wins $30,000 in scholarships, we’ve got a proven formula for students to follow. Check here to find out more about GrantMe’s programs and how we can help you achieve your post-secondary dreams.