Western University – Ivey AEO: Overview
Arry Pandher - January 3rd, 2022
Written by Stephanie Pugh and Matthew Tran
If you want to apply to the HBA Ivey Business program at Western, then knowing about the Ivey AEO is your key to getting in!
Approximately two-thirds of the Ivey HBA class have AEO status. Want to know how to become a part of that two-thirds? Continue reading and we will let you in on everything you need to know about the Ivey AEO at Western!
What is AEO status and Why is it Important?
The Ivey Advanced Entry Opportunity (AEO) is conditional pre-admission to the HBA Program for students who choose to spend their first two years of university at Western or one of its associated university schools, in a faculty of their choice.
This implies that if you are accepted into the Ivey AEO, you will be granted permission to study in the HBA programme after your first two years!
In addition to conditional pre-admission to the HBA Program, possessing AEO status has a number of advantages.
Several activities are hosted by the Ivey HBA Program Office during your first two years of university so that you may become acquainted with the school before enrolling.
How do you get AEO Status?
Ivey AEO designation is only accessible to students who spend their first two years of university at Western or one of the linked university schools (in a faculty of their choosing). Before being given the status, students must first be admitted to Western or one of the linked university institutions. Applicants are notified individually about their admittance to their first year by the Registrar’s Office.
A competitive Ivey AEO application includes:
- 93%+ average in your final year of secondary school
- Completion of a mathematics course for university-bound students
- Demonstrated leadership in extracurricular activities, community involvement, and work experience
Your academic and extracurricular achievements will play a significant role in your admission decision. In fact, only at Ivey is your success outside of the classroom as crucial as your academic success — it’s a true 50/50 split between academic accomplishment and leadership participation!

Ivey AEO Leadership Criteria
Western University’s Ivey wants you to explore your passions. From student government to athletics, music, and community activities, they appreciate all forms of leadership equally. What matters most in your AEO application is that you demonstrate a broad commitment to your community and that you are capable of rising to positions of leadership and greater responsibility. The degree of success, dedication, and balance are more significant than the quantity of leadership involvement you have.
Ivey AEO Admission Average
Western Central Admissions calculates your entrance average, not Ivey! Throughout the admissions process, they will also compute various other averages.
For Ontario students, they will use your six top courses, including English, to compute your entrance average. They’ll also include the qualifications for your programme, as determined by Western. Ivey will get the average of your six highest courses, including English, from Western, and will normally use the highest average.
Unless it is one of your top grades, Western will not use your math grade in your AEO average.
University-level Math Requirements
For Ontario students, any one of the three “U” level grade 12 math courses (MHF4U Advanced Functions, MCV4U Calculus and Vectors, or MDM4U Math of Data Management) will fulfill the math requirement for the Ivey HBA program. One is not preferred over another.
Admission requirements for students from outside of Ontario are similar: any grade 12 equivalent math course for university-oriented students. Please make sure you complete all math requirements for the programme you want to pursue at Western or its associated institutions for your first two years.
How to Apply to Ivey AEO
Please note that applying for AEO status is a two-step process:
- Apply for admission to Western or one of its affiliated university colleges through the Ontario Universities Application Centre (OUAC). Choose an academic program or module at Western for your first two years of university study. Please indicate your interest in Ivey AEO status on your Western application.
- The AEO application is a separate online application that is accessed through our website. Ivey AEO status is a separate decision and notification process from your admission to Western.
You should see a confirmation pop-up message as soon as you successfully submit your Ivey AEO application online!
- Common FAQ’s about the Application Process:
- I checked off the Ivey AEO box on the OUAC website – does that mean I have applied for Ivey AEO status? No, checking the Ivey AEO box on the OUAC website indicates to Western that you also intend to apply for Ivey AEO status. You must still complete the Ivey AEO supplementary application, which can be found on Ivey’s Inside Track! This application allows you to provide details of your achievements in extra-curricular activities.
- I just received an admission offer from Western, does that mean I also have an Ivey AEO status offer? No, your Ivey AEO status offer will be communicated separately and is an independent admission decision from your Western offer. However, Ivey only extends offers of Ivey AEO status to students who have received an offer of admission from Western.
What Happens After Applying?
Each application will be thoroughly reviewed by the admissions committee at Ivey. They will begin making offers after they get your admission statistics and notification that you have been accepted to Western. As a result, the initial wave of AEO offers occurs in late March, with the majority of offers occurring in April and May.
Grades for AEO applications are examined at many periods during the year, including grade 11, first term, and mid-year. They do not issue offers based on Grade 11 marks, but will make offers to those students who have good applications and competitive Grade 12 first-term results.
Need Support Applying to Ivey Business at Western?
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