Western University Tuition
Arry Pandher - March 13th, 2022

Written by Stephanie Pugh and Matthew Tran
University education is a significant financial investment. It’s the equivalent of purchasing a home or a car! Education is a major expenditure, but it is a wise investment in your future. If money is an issue for you, stay reading to learn about solutions that can help you make studying at Western University a reality!
Western University Tuition & Expenses
Your main costs at Western University will be a mixture of Tuition & Student Fees, and Living Costs.
Tuition & Student Fees
Tuition is what you pay for your classes at Western! Your tuition will depend on the program you want to study and whether you are Canadian or International student.
You also pay student fees each year— some are mandatory and some you can opt-out of and save some cash!
Below you can find estimates based on 2021-22 tuition. But keep in mind that you won’t get your exact tuition and fees cost until you are registered in courses!
- Estimated year 1 domestic tuition and fees: $7,778 to $14,122
- Estimated year 1 international tuition and fees: $38,692 to $52,554
Want a tool to help sort out your finances at Western? Check out this webpage to find your tuition and fees!
NOTE: International Students: Tuition Fee Guarantee!
Did you know that starting September 2021, tuition rates for undergraduate international students will not increase more than 4% per year, after Year 1? Read more about the TUITION FEE GUARANTEE here!
Living Costs
Living costs are simply how much it will cost you to live while you are studying! In the chart below is an approximate estimate of how much it will cost you to live at Western. All prices are in Canadian currency!
- NOTE: Are you visiting from a different province or country? You should also factor in the expense of travel back home. If you’re an international student, remember to include in the fees of your visa and study permits.

Financial Aid
Whether you’re a domestic student or an international student, there are lots of support opportunities available to help fund your studies at Western!
Read below for a list of great financial aid options:
Government and Other Loans
A loan is a financial support you pay back in installments after your studies. Check out these loans if you’re:
- Living in Ontario
- From another province in Canada
- Studying part-time
- Going on an exchange
- In need of additional support due to disability, childcare or low family income International Student Emergency Loan Fund The International Student Emergency Loan Fund is a limited pool of money accessible to international students in need. Medical bills, a delay in transferring cash from outside Canada, and unplanned but required expenses are all examples of such crises. These short-term loans have no interest charges, and students in need can borrow up to $500!
Bursaries & Work-Study Programs
Bursaries & Work Study programs top-up funding for students in financial need.
- Bursary: financial assistance that is not repaid, similar to a scholarship. Except bursaries are awarded solely on the basis of financial necessity. You submit an application for them.
- Work-Study: This isn’t your typical part-time employment! These are particular campus part-time employment that allow you to work around your studies.
- These are available for international students too!
Scholarships are monetary awards for high academic merit or other achievements.
For example:
- Western’s Admission Scholarship Program is based on your high school average. You’re automatically considered for this scholarship upon admission to the university!
- National Scholarship Program is for students with all-around excellence. You can receive up to $72,000 with this scholarship!
- This includes three $50,000 International President’s Entrance Scholarships for international students!
- Schulich Leader Scholarships offer up to $100,000 to study Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) subjects.
- Faculty of Arts & Humanities Entrance Scholarships are automatic scholarships of $2,000 or $2,500 depending on your admission average upon acceptance to Western!
Western has a plethora of awards to search through! To see all scholarships, awards and bursaries offered at Western, visit here!
Need More Support Towards Western University Tuition Costs?
If you find yourself needing more financial support to cover Western tuition costs, GrantMe can help you! We provide personalized scholarship matches, essay editing, and mentorship from past winners to maximize your success at attending university debt-free! Complete our short scholarship eligibility quiz to learn more about how GrantMe can help you achieve your post-secondary goals.